Bubbles - Aug 2023

Bubbles is Adopted!

Emmy & Bubbles with Adopting Family 1-9-2025

January 30, 2025 EMMY & BUBBLES, two of our adorable and well loved black cats have been adopted! I am just ecstatic with joy but did shed quite a few tears too!

Emmy & Bubbles play in new home 1-9-2025

Emmy was born at FURR and I always felt like I birthed her and the other “Battlet” kittens myself! Read the amazing Battlet family’s story below, including Mama Batts (available) and Daddy Batts (adopted also). Watching them grow up and having no one want them because they were black, was heart breaking.

Bubbles was one of the kittens I rescued from the Atlantic Seafood place along with 70+ other cats. Bubbles was always so shy and so sweet!  He never had a mean bone in his body and just loved everyone!  He will be missed too!

Emmy & Bubbles at FURR – Adopted Jan 2025

The wonderful couple, that saw how special these cats were, had a hard time deciding which 2 black ones they wanted!  I think they got a great pair!

The night before they left, Emmy & Bubbles were playing and wrestling which made me feel extra good about the pair going together! I’m so relieved that they are in a great home.  Their first night went well and Emmy is purring all over the place & Bubbles is being his quiet sweet self.

I can’t wait for Emmy to pray for them!  


Bubbles Oct 2023

Feb. 12, 2024 Watch these kitties playing in this new video!

Jan. 13, 2024 update:

 – Bubbles, the male kitty, is still available for adoption
 – Beaches and Mermaid, the 2 females, are not yet ready for adoption, but we’re working with them!

Nov. 20, 2023 update My name is Bubbles and I’m a BEAUTIFUL little boy that FURR saved!  My best traits are my silky smooth fur and my adorable personality!  I have the sweetest little meow and I love to tell everybody what I’m thinking!  You just won’t find a calmer, more laid back kinda kitty than me!  I’m totally vetted and ready to move on with my life.  FURR has prepared me well!  I also have 2 sisters:  Beaches (meet her below), who looks just like me and Mermaid (meet her below) who is a tortoise shell.  We all three had a rough start in life.  Are you the one to change all that for me? 

August 7, 2023 – 3 Kittens Urgently still need a Foster Home!!

August 3, 2023 – The 3 little kittens that I rescued from the seafood place (Mama Sunfish’s kittens) were all fixed today.  They went to the S/N clinic and had their surgery, shots, blood tests and microchips.
The bill was just under $400.  They are doing well! Please donate to help!

Mermaid – pretty girl – Aug 2023

Original Post – Early August 2023 – Do you love cats? Do you work from home or stay home a lot? Why not volunteer to foster kittens and make a huge difference in their lives?! Three kittens need a temporary foster home where they can get lots of pets and love throughout the day!

These 3 little kittens that I rescued from the seafood place NEED LOVE!  These little guys are still really shy and I just haven’t had enough time to spend with them. We need someone who can spend a lot of time with them, loving & petting them, to help them progress!!!

Beaches – pretty girl – Aug 2023

Please let me know if you are interested SOON!  Maybe check with friends, neighbors, family and co-workers!

“MERMAID” – young female
“BUBBLES” – young male
“BEACHES” – young female

For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.

Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.

If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.

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