Buddy Profile Oct 2023

Foster or Adopt Buddy Today! New Video!

Buddy – Oct 2023

Watch his video! Buddy is improving every day learning to trust and be loved!  He is purring & making biscuits!  This gorgeous youngster would LOVE to be an only cat because the other kitties scare him!  He is the sweetest fella, but needs a little time and patience to adjust to a new environment!  Could you be his new angel???  He surely deserves it!  Buddy was rescued underneath the pier at Topsail Beach at Buddy’s restaurant.  A good person called me to come save him!

Meet all FURR kitties available for adoption on PetFinder!

For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.

Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.

If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.

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