Dear FURR Friends,
A good friend of mine named Sally Kay used to ride and show horses with me. I would see her at the horse shows on the weekends and we’ve been in touch for many years. Sally has created a new magazine for the North Carolina and South Carolina equestrian enthusiasts. She has done a wonderful job with a big, bold, colorful and AMAZING publication!!! The magazine is thriving well and enjoyed by many people who do AND don’t have horses.
Sally and I were conversing on how I got started rescuing the feral cats. Of course, most of you know that I started at the various horse barns that I was affiliated with. There were always feral cats at the barns looking for a safe place to get in out of the weather, looking for any food that they could find and looking to survive the best they could. I was totally blown away by the people that wanted nothing to do with these cats, as if they were supposed to be “wild” animals and fend for themselves. Most of the time the horse barn personnel wanted to NOT feed the cats so that they would HAVE to hunt the mice, birds, lizards, etc.
Well, I disagreed with that!
So, Sally has been nice enough to give FURR a very nice two-page article in her magazine! I’m so excited and really hope that reading this article makes a difference……..even if in the life of ONE feral cat! People just have to understand that they are only cats……….not wild animals………but domestic animals that are starved for food, shelter and love.
Thanks to all who help make this dream a reality!
Meet our Cats Available for Adoption and help create the next Adoption Success Story!