Foster or Adopt Autumn – Updated photos!

October 15, 2024 My name is AUTUMN! I’m the funniest, silliest, shiniest, friendliest, most talkative cat you have ever seen! I am TRULY ONE IN A MILLION! I’m only about a year old and everyone at FURR loves me!!! To say I’m a character is putting it mildly…I’m a nut! I’m just a super “excited to be rescued” kitty! Come visit & see for yourself. I’ll tickle your funny bone!
June 20, 2024 AUTUMN is such an amazing kitty! She continues to crack me up every day! She is nonstop wiggling and nonstop chattering! She can’t be still for 5 minutes so I have to pet and rub her while she is head bunting me or slapping her tail against everything she walks by!
Autumn is getting very sleek and healthy! Her sunburned auburn fur is finally turning black. She loves the kittens but would probably LOVE to be the only queen of the castle!
May 2024 – Autumn’s dental surgery was successful and she’s feeling much better – and happier! We do still need about $1,000 to cover her surgery, so please donate today!
April 12, 2024 Autumn is hilarious! Watch her video! She is so excited to have attention that she can’t stop wiggling! She is doing well, upper respiratory has cleared up from her antibiotics and eating her mushy food well!
Her dental is scheduled for mid May. We are on the waiting list to get in sooner. Her mouth is horrible with rotten teeth and painful red gums.
We need $2,000 to cover her expenses!!! We’ve raised a small amount, but we have a long way to go. Please share with anyone you know that might want to help! Autumn is extremely grateful for the help! Another special rescue cat that would have died left outside on her own.
Also, here (feature photo above) is a cute pic of her peeking out of her little house!

April 5, 2024 Here is Terry’s latest Urgent Rescue & Rehabilitation story about “Autumn”, named after the area where Terry found her. Please click our Donate button on the right today to help us with the veterinary bills (current and upcoming)!
Watch this amazing video of Terry giving Autumn much needed TLC and telling Autumn’s story with more details below.
I got a call from a lady in Wilmington, NC. Her neighbor moved away and left outdoor feral cats to survive on their own. It was a bad and sad situation. The cats were hanging out at this lady’s house (the lady that called me), using her yard as a litter box, getting on their cars and one of the cats scratched their dog and caused a large vet bill. I believe she said her dog killed that one. So she and her husband wanted the cats gone ASAP.
I did the best I could calling and making contacts with Wilmington rescue groups with no luck. No one could help. It’s really not my territory since I’m overwhelmed in my own area. But, once you know of abandoned animals, it’s hard to erase it from your mind.
The lady thought there were 3 cats left. I finally found a place for the cats to go (a long way away) and it was sheer luck that they had only a couple of openings. So I trapped the first 2 cats, took them to the vet (as the rescue requested) and then drove them out to the rescue with updated shots, flea/parasite treatment, etc.
The first 2 cats cost FURR $240.
I went the next day back to trap the final 3rd cat. I got that one and dropped it off at the vet for the same vet work as the other 2. All 3 of these cats were TNR from a prior year, so at least they were already fixed and ear tipped.
BUT, I got a call from the vet saying that this feral cat had a bad Upper Respiratory Infection and a totally infected mouth, gums and teeth! This cat needs at least 2 weeks of meds, syringe feeding before the dental surgery.
Autumn’s initial veterinary exam cost an additional $250.
Autumn’s dental bill will be an additional $1,500.
I put her in my garage so I could care for her. It only took a couple hours to get her purring and making biscuits…unbelievable. I think she has been starving and hurting for a while. This poor kitty, in pain and hungry, had a soft blanket, soft food, sweet voices and rubs. She totally transformed.
Please help us help sweet Autumn via the secure, easy Donate button on the right!
Please pray for this kitty. The soonest dental appointment I could get for her at Sound Cat is a month away. If anyone has time to make phone calls to area vet’s to find one that works with rescues, could charge us less and get “Autumn” in earlier, I would be so grateful!!!
Thank you all so much for well wishes and prayers! I’ve got my work cut out for me….
Meet all FURR kitties available for adoption on PetFinder!
For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.
Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.
If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.