Foster or Adopt Bumble Bee Today! New video!

Sept. 7, 2024 Meet adorable me in my new video!
April 13, 2024 My name is “BUMBLE BEE” and FURR rescued me from a terrible situation! My BIG bright eyes look just like a bee and my colors too! I am no bigger than a football and have quite a silly/sassy personality! After I get to know someone who is sweet and gentle with me, I follow them all around meowing and sticking my tail straight up in the air!
I’m only between 1 and 2 years old and I love belly rubs. They tell me that I’ve probably had a litter of kittens before! I wonder what happened to them? All I need is a little patience and love to become your little friend! Come visit me soon. I would probably prefer no dogs or loud children, but I do just fine with other cats. If they bother me, I just give them a pop with my paw, but no claws! Call me “Bee” for short!!!
Meet all FURR kitties available for adoption on PetFinder!
For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.
Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.
If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.