Foster or Adopt new kittens Yardley or Scrappy Today! New videos!

October 19, 2024 Scrappy is a beautiful, SWEET, adorable, big-eyed, BOY!!! See his new photo on the right. Yardley is also friendly and purrs when you hold her!
Who will LOVE one or both of these babies for life??? Someone LUCKY, LUCKY, LUCKY!!!
July 24, 2024 Kristy, a FURR Volunteer, notified me about some cats living in a junk yard in Burgaw, NC, near Wilmington.
Watch videos of Scrappy and Yardley at FURR on August 13, 2024!
She met the man that owns it and took some food for the poor skinny cats. There is a mama cat, 2 male cats and 2 kittens.
With Kristy’s help, we trapped the 2 kittens and took them to the Cape Fear S/N clinic last week. My intention was to get them fixed, shots, etc., and release them again. However, the kittens are young and sooo skinny! They are about 10-12 weeks old. I have had them recovering at my feral cat sanctuary.
The 2 kittens are “Yardley”, a female Domestic Short Hair gray tabby, and “Scrappy”, a male Domestic Short Hair with black fur.
They started out scared to death and eyes bigger than saucers. Now, a week later, they seem glad to see me, I’m petting and holding both of them and they are purring! They will be moved up to the house, and join Connor, after quarantine.
Another rescue group is helping me TNR the mama and other 2 male cats. The sad part is that the mama tabby is really skittish, but wants love. She could easily be tamed and adopted out, but I just don’t have any room at this time.
Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.
If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.