Foster or Adopt Tux! Sweet Special Needs boy! Two New Videos!

Watch his new videos:
New video in January 2025 showing his very affectionate nature!
New video in December 2024 describing his big improvements!
December 24, 2024 Took sweet TUX to the vet this am. He’s having a rough time. With his broken pelvis and injury to his kidneys, probably from being hit by a car, he is a “special needs kitty” who needs medicine and maintenance for the rest of his life.
The good news is that he doesn’t know there’s anything wrong! He gets around just like all the other kitties and is easy to medicate. His medications help address the kidney damage from his injuries, but the meds are not expensive at all. He takes whatever you need to give him – no problem! What a great sport!
More importantly, TUX is just the sweetest cat you could ever meet! It’s so unfair that he had to begin his young life homeless and injured. He loves to rub on your legs and be petted and held. The vet says he’s around 6 years old and there is every reason to hope that he’ll have a long and happy life just like any other kitty. Best of all, he gives TONS of love in return to the extra care he needs. Everyone wins!
We hope and pray that a caring person will come along and adopt him for his amazing personality, knowing his misfortune, and will love him all the more!
October 17, 2024 Watch his new video! TUX is doing well in his large holding pen at the sanctuary. This poor cat is skin & bones, but for a week now he is eating and drinking everything i put in front of him! He must have been starving.
TUX has been easy to care for & although he is scared and timid, I have been able to pet & stroke him without incident.
This is good and bad! I am completely full at FURR, but i know if I release TUX into the sanctuary, I won’t be able to work with him every day.
He really seems like he wants love and he is a young cat around 2 -4 years old.

October 9, 2024 So a cat has been seen running by my sanctuary in the evenings. I’ve been putting food & water out for it. The cat seemed pretty feral, was VERY skinny and I knew I had to help him.
At first I thought he was black and could be one of my missing ferals! However, when I finally got a good look at him on my outside cameras, I could see that he did not have a tipped ear & he was actually a Tuxedo (white belly, chest & paws).
I was able to humanely trap him last night and I took him to the S/N clinic today.
He is, in fact, a boy (not neutered), very thin, covered in fleas, no collar and no microchip. He hissed at me several times showing his disapproval of the events of the day!
But now, he has settled in his large recovery cage (large chicken coop) and is resting.
Calling him “Tux” since he will be the only tuxedo in the sanctuary…..as bad as that name is!
Tux tested negative for FIV & FeLV & HW and is now neutered, had all his shots, is microchipped, dewormed and treated for fleas.
Welcome to FURR sanctuary TUX!
Meet all FURR kitties available for adoption on PetFinder!
For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.
Learn how to adopt this kitty! FURR adopts to the Wilmington/Hampstead NC and surrounding area only and to approved homes.
If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.