FURR received a phone call late one night from a person with a horse farm where dogs had chased something underneath one of the sheds and would not let it out. The people knew they could lock up the dogs temporarily, but also knew that once let out, the dogs would eventually kill whatever it was under the shed. They thought it was a kitty, but it was too dark to tell for sure. Sure enough, upon arrival and looking underneath the shed with a flashlight, it turned out to be a very tiny, emaciated kitty. She almost looked like a kitten, but it was because she was so thin and in really bad shape.

Despite being frightened, she was coaxed out from underneath the shed and take to safety at the FURR rescue facility. It took quite a lot for “Foxie” to gain weight and become healthy enough for adoption. The amazing thing about Foxie was her sweet nature throughout the entire ordeal. She was always super sweet, and even thought she was close to death in more ways than one, she just loved being petted and loved. Foxie turned out to be a young adult kitty with gorgeous markings, but the most amazing thing about her was her kind and gently nature.

Foxie has since been adopted into a loving home and is doing fabulous!! We miss her every day!

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