Gummy With New Mom Nov 2015
Gummy With New Mom Nov 2015

Fall 2015

As you know, the black cats are very rarely adopted.  When this nice lady, Lynn, called about GUMMY, that was the only cat she wanted!  She came to the lodge and met all of the cats, but her love is for the long-haired black cats and she thought Gummy was just beautiful.  I explained to her that he is super sweet but super shy & skittish.  She spent time with him, petting him, and that just did not seem to bother her.  She set her sights on HIM and did not want any other kitty!

Lynn’s other long-haired black cat was quite happy to come to see who the new visitor was.  Her cat is adorable and had 1/2 of a tail.  He looked so much like Gummy, it was amazing!  Her house was huge, beautiful and a cat haven……….she fed her cat out of crystal bowls and he wanted for nothing!  Her prior cat had passed away from old age and her current black kitty is about 5 years old.  We let her cat into the bathroom with Gummy and they were both very non-emotional about the whole thing.  I was in tears with joy that this just might work!

Lynn was wanting to give another black adult cat a chance for a home and I admire that so much!  She said she would give him plenty of patience and time, knowing that it may be a while before he adjusts.  Gummy has never lived outside the rescue lodge for almost 2 years!  Lynn purposefully did not want a kitten because she knew that they would all get homes.  I really like that about her because she did enjoy the kitten room!

I am so happy for Gummy and how well he behaved after delivery!  He was really relaxed and sweet and seemed very interested (in a good way) in Lynn’s other kitty!  Gummy has always loved the other cats – it’s people that he is afraid of.  Marisa had won his heart, however, and she has done a wonderful job with him.  I really appreciate Marisa going with me to deliver him!

Attached is a picture of Lynn and her current kitty!  We did not try to pick up Gummy yet and wanted to just let him chill, but isn’t this picture amazing?  THANK YOU LYNN FOR TAKING GUMMY & GIVING HIM A HOME!

FURR will be FURREVER grateful for your selflessness!