

Whyme is Content
Whyme is Content

Why me?” is a hoot! This laid back boy kitten has the cutest expression on his face! He has this sad-looking face with heavy-looking eyebrows, but he is far from sad! He is totally playful, extremely sociable and cannot wait to be held and loved!

It is no wonder that he is happy now after being rescued by a woman who found him in the mouth of her dog with a 2nd dog waiting for his chance! The poor little kitten was just skin and bones and bruised up pretty good being played with between two Weimaraner dogs!!! Thank goodness the dogs were just playing with him or he would have been killed!

Sept 2016 - Whyme & Rustie are now FURRever Friends
Sept 2016 – Whyme & Rustie are FURRever Friends

Now, the little adorable kitten is the sweetest thing ever and is loved by all the volunteers at FURR and his new FURR Family!

Update September 2016 This picture says it all!  As you can see, WHYME and RUSTIE are best buds and absolutely are inseparable!  Their MOM tells me that they bring so much joy to her life every day!

They are healthy, happy and loving life!!!

I just LOVE this picture!!!  Isn’t is GREAT!!!


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