Tux Adopted!
4/30/2019: Tux and Topaz are Adopted together!! Best Friends will now live together in a FURRever home!!!!
This is a tough one for me to type since I feel like these two cats are FAMILY!!! I can’t imagine the lodge without being greeted by TUX every day! He is the lover boy of the century and has been our mascot for the past SEVERAL years!!!
BUT, it is so unfair to keep them at FURR in one little room when there is a family out there that wants them! It took me quite a while to be able to approve of someone “worthy” enough to take these two kitties! I think this is a beautiful and wonderful fit!
The couple that adopted HISSY & PEPE are in love with their two new additions! HISSY & PEPE are doing GREAT and I will send you some pictures in a separate email. During this adoption, I met their daughter (Abby Grace) who was about to graduate from Liberty with her nursing degree. She has already landed a great job in Rock Hill, SC! Abby Grace is graduating this month and then taking a week vacation with her family. When she returns, she will be living with her parents for a year to save money & get her own place. She has a long term boyfriend that I met also and his name is Mike.
When AG and Mike come to FURR to visit Tux & Topaz, Mike has made an amazing connection with Topaz! He brushes her and pets her and she really likes him! It is so wonderful to see her happy! TUX and TOPAZ will live in the upstairs of the house for a while and Hissy and Pepe will live downstairs for a while……..I am sure they will all get along and be fine after a few weeks of adjustment period!
TUX & TOPAZ are leaving on Monday, May 20th. I may need someone to go with me since I will be a total mess leaving them. This is so wonderful for these two cats that have waited SO LONG for a home! It is bittersweet to me & I already cry at the drop of a hat thinking of them being gone from FURR……….
Look at these amazing pictures!!!
Tux’s Original Story
TUX, a big, beautiful and very special boy, was in terrible condition when he was rescued and brought to the FURR facility. He was covered with fleas and parasites, his fur was scruffy, had bald spots, and in addition to other problems his teeth required extensive dental work and several of his nail beds were badly infected. TUX was not only in severe pain, he was also a very shy and frightened boy.
But after months of rehabilitation and tender loving care, he has made a remarkable improvement both physically and mentally, and is now healthy, handsome, loves attention, and interacts well with volunteers and other kitties. He is on a healthy diet and eating up a storm, his coat is clean and shiny, and most importantly, TUX is happy, responsive and playful – he has grown strong, learned not to be afraid anymore, realizes how much he’s loved, and purrs to beat the band when getting attention!
All of us at FURR are so happy to see how much progress this sweet boy has made – not only health wise, but his personality as well. He is not the same shy, sick and depressed kitty who arrived at the facility. But as much as we all love him, we know it is only fair that he has the chance to move on to a caring forever home. If you are looking for a big, beautiful boy, TUX is the kitty for you! Please come to visit him – you will see how he got his name and how gentle he is. We know you will fall in love and hopefully decide to share your love and home with him.
For adoption information or to schedule a visit to the Feline Urgent Rescue & Rehab rescue facility to meet this kitty, please email FURR’s President and Founder, Terry Schultz, at adoptafurrcat@gmail.com.
Learn how to adopt this kitty!
If you are not ready to adopt a kitty, please consider fostering or sponsoring. All donations are tax deductible.
Meet more FURR kitties now available for adoption on PetFinder!